By Meme/Image
This section allows you to browse through images that are commonly posted on the internet and link those images to information and critical discussions. The images are in no particular order. For images of giants, see the Photoshopped Giants page.
This is the Babylonian cellphone.
This is the alleged "Roman sword" from Nova Scotia.
This image compares a piece of Egyptian art with an 'artifact" from the Father Crespi collection.
This image purports to show a machine part embedded in a piece of solid rock from Russia (see "Machine Parts in Stone").
This is an image of the so-called "Dochester Pot."
This is the "London Hammer."
This is the "common origin of the pyramids" meme. This blog post by Martin J. Clemens discusses it.
This is the "Starchild Skull."
This is the "Salamanca Cathedral Astronaut."
This is one of the so-called "Tolima Fighter Jets."
This is Joe Taylor's sculpture of an imaginary 47" femur.
This is also Joe Taylor's sculpture of an imaginary 47" femur.