Tolima Fighter Jets

"I think you have to seriously force your imagination in order to see any resemblance between these figurines and modern fighter jets. But there's some sort of general similarity... you've got wings, a tail, and a body or "fuselage". I'm placing the images in the show transcript so that you can decide for yourself exactly how similar they are.
Giorgio Tsoukalos, publisher of "Legendary Times" magazine, says that they're "eerily reminiscent of modern day fighter jets". I'd kind of like to know what he's smoking."
Giorgio Tsoukalos, publisher of "Legendary Times" magazine, says that they're "eerily reminiscent of modern day fighter jets". I'd kind of like to know what he's smoking."
- Text from "Dumbass Podcast #2: Ancient Aliens Part 1" (The Dumbasses Guide to Knowledge!) [links added]
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Beating a Dead Funerary Object: More Tolima Debunking" (Frank Johnson, 11/16/2012)
- "The Tolima Artifacts and Flying Fish" (Chris White, 11/2/2012)
- "The 10 Most Not-So-Puzzling Ancient Artifacts: Ancient Model Artifact, Plus a Rant!" (ArchyFantasies, 8/5/2012)
- "South American ‘Model Aeroplanes’" (Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, 12/31/2010)
Other Online Media
- "Tolima "Fighter Jets"" (segment of Ancient Aliens Debunked, 2012 film by Chris White)
- "Dumbass Podcast #2: Ancient Aliens Part 1" (The Dumbasses Guide to Knowledge! podcast, 12/8/2010)
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