Vikings in the New World

"The Norse colonization of the Americas began as early as the 10th century AD, when Vikings explored and settled areas of the North Atlantic, including the northeastern fringes of North America.
The Norse colony in Greenland lasted for almost 500 years. Continental North American settlements were small and did not develop into permanent colonies. While voyages, for example to collect timber, are likely to have occurred for some time, there is no evidence of enduring Norse settlements on mainland North America."
The Norse colony in Greenland lasted for almost 500 years. Continental North American settlements were small and did not develop into permanent colonies. While voyages, for example to collect timber, are likely to have occurred for some time, there is no evidence of enduring Norse settlements on mainland North America."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "Norse colonization of the Americas" (accessed 11/15/2015)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Ex-Syfy Channel Fringe Historian Claims to Find Oldest Viking Map of America Under Rosslyn Chapel" (Jason Colavito, 6/14/2016)
- "Has the "Self-Sown Wheat" of Vinland Been Identified?" (Jason Colavito, 4/5/2016)
- "Review of Expedition Unknown S01E06 "Viking Sunstone"" (Jason Colavito, 2/13/2015)
- "Fake News Site Claims Viking Artifacts Found in Michigan" (Jason Colavito, 5/28/2014)
- "Scott Wolter Blogs "Vikings in America," Reveals Show Left Out Key Information to Bolster Its Case" (12/24/2013)
- "Review of America Unearthed S02E04 "Vikings in America"" (Jason Colavito, 12/22/2013)
- "White Panic and the Search for Vikings in America" (Jason Colavito, 9/11/2013)
- "Why Should Medieval Norsemen Be Giants?" (Jason Colavito, 3/18/2013)
- "Review of America Unearthed S01E04: "Giants in Minnesota"" (Jason Colavito, 1/12/2013)
- "An Archaeologist Examines The Oklahoma Rune Stones" (Lyle Tompsen, Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers 29:5-43, 2011)
Sites and Artifacts
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