Heavener Rune Stone

"The Heavener runestone is located in Heavener Runestone Park in Le Flore County, Oklahoma near Heavener, Oklahoma. The inscription is in Elder Futhark and reads gnomedal (either "gnome valley", or a personal name "G. Nomedal"). Archaeologist Ken Feder notes that unlike the situation in eastern Canada where evidence has been found that proves a Norse presence, nothing similar has been found anywhere near Heavener or even in the American Midwest. He suggests that "it is unlikely that the Norse would get significantly more fastidious about leaving any evidence behind of their presence in Oklahoma."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "Oklahoma runestones" (accessed 10/12/2015) [links added]
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "An Archaeologist Examines The Oklahoma Rune Stones" (Lyle Tompsen, Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers 29:5-43, 2011)
Other Online Media
- "Heavener Runestone and Cracked Cave" (ArchyFantasies podcast, Episode 21, 10/12/2015)