Technology of the Gods

David Hatcher Childress (2012)
". . .Technology of the Gods explores the technology that was allegedly used in Atlantis and the theory that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was originally a gigantic power station. Childress also uncovers many other mysteries, including: the technology of ancient flight; how the ancients used electricity; megalithic building techniques; the use of crystal lenses and the fire from the gods; ancient evidence of high-tech weapons, including atomic weapons; the role of modern inventors, such as Nikola Tesla, in bringing ancient technology into modern use; impossible artifacts, and more, much more. . . . "
". . .Technology of the Gods explores the technology that was allegedly used in Atlantis and the theory that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was originally a gigantic power station. Childress also uncovers many other mysteries, including: the technology of ancient flight; how the ancients used electricity; megalithic building techniques; the use of crystal lenses and the fire from the gods; ancient evidence of high-tech weapons, including atomic weapons; the role of modern inventors, such as Nikola Tesla, in bringing ancient technology into modern use; impossible artifacts, and more, much more. . . . "
- Text and image from description on [links added and text formatting modified]
- "Reviewing David Childress's "Technology of the Gods" (Pt. 4): He Didn't Even Pretend to Write Chapter 7" (Jason Colavito, 8/24/2012)
- "Reviewing David Childress's "Technology of the Gods" (Pt. 3): Plagiarism AND Manipulated Quotes!" (Jason Colavito, 8/23/2012)
- "Reviewing David Childress's "Technology of the Gods" (Pt. 2): And the Plagiarism Continues..." (Jason Colavito, 8/22/2012)
- "Reviewing David Childress's "Technology of the Gods" (Pt. 1): Plagiarism of the Gods" (Jason Colavito, 8/21/2012)