Megalithic Construction

"A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones. The word "megalithic" describes structures made of such large stones, utilizing an interlocking system without the use of mortar or concrete, as well as representing periods of prehistory characterised by such constructions. For later periods the term monolith, with an overlapping meaning, is more likely to be used."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "Megalith" (accessed 11/15/2015)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Building with Big Stones: Ethnographic and Experimental Evidence" (GratefulGirl22, Forbidden Archaeology 2016, 10/1/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli and Brien Foerster Discuss Megalithic Ruins, Decide Native People Couldn't Have Built Any of Them" (Jason Colavito, 6/24/2016)
- "Who Built the Megalithic Monuments of Nartiang?" (Andy White, 4/26/2015)
- "Normal-Sized People Can Move Big Rocks: The Example of the Toraja" (Andy White, 4/18/2015)
- "More on the 1915 Photographs of a Megalithic Stone Pulling in Nias, Indonesia" (Andy White, 3/28/2015)
- "Normal-Sized People Can Move Big Rocks: A Quick Note on the Megalithic Traditions of Nias, Indonesia" (Andy White, 3/28/2015)
- "Normal-Sized People Can Move Big Rocks: The Example of Sumba" (Andy White, 3/10, 2015)
- "Video of Naga Stone-Pulling Ceremonies" (Andy White, 3/17/2015)
- "Normal-Sized People Can Move Big Rocks: The Example of the Angami Naga" (Andy White, 3/5/2015)
- "Moving the Stones of Baalbek–The Wonders of Roman Engineering" (Jason Adair, 4/25/2013)
- "Cyclopean Masonry: A Mystery of the Ancient World" (Martin J. Clemens, 1/21/2013)
- "The Bronze Age "Giants" of Turton in Lancashire" (Jason Colavito, 1/11/2013)
- "Worlds Largest Crane Can Lift 20,000 Tons" (Christ White, 10/31/2012)
- "Are Inca Walls Too Big for Humans to Build?" (Jason Colavito, 8/18/2012)
- "Ancient Construction: No Aliens Needed" (Michael Heiser, 8/18/2012)
- "Megalithic Quarrying Techniques" (Michael Heiser, 9/17/2011)
- "The Evidence for Ancient Stone Cutting" (The Dumbasses Guide to Knowledge!, 11/19/2010)
- "Stone Masonry and Engineering at Machu Picchu: No Aliens Needed" (Michael Heiser, 7/8/2009)
Other Sources
- "How Stonehenge was Built?" (video of Wally Wallington, 7/4/2011)
- "Ancient Egyptian Stoneworking Tools and Methods" (Archae Solenhofen, 2002)
- "The Forgotten Technology.Com" (website of Wally Wallington)
- "Amazing Stonemasonry" (1:00 video of a man splitting stone with hammers and chisels)
- "Cutting Stone At The Deer Isle Hostel" (6:48 video of man splitting 13 ton block of granite with wedges and a 2 lb. hammer)
Related Sites
- Baalbek (Lebanon)
- Coral Castle (Florida, USA)
- Gudung Padang (Indonesia)
- Puma Punku (Bolivia)
- Pyramids (Egypt)
- Stonehenge (Britain)