Pacal's "Rocket"

"Pakal’s tomb has been the focus of attention of some ancient astronaut enthusiasts since its appearance in Erich von Däniken's 1968 best seller, Chariots of the Gods?. Von Däniken reproduced a drawing of the sarcophagus lid, incorrectly labeling it as being from "Copán" and comparing Pacal's pose to that of Project Mercury astronauts in the 1960s, interpreting drawings underneath him as rockets, and offering it as possible evidence of an extraterrestrial influence on the ancient Maya."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "K'inich Janaab' Pakal" (accessed 11/15/2015) [links added]
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Pacal's Tomb: Erich Von Daniken's Fantasy" (Martin J. Clemens, 4/4/2013)
Other Online Media
- "Pacal's "Rocket"" (segment of Ancient Aliens Debunked, a 2012 film by Chris White)
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