The Maya
"The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya peoples, noted for the Maya hieroglyphic script, the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. The Maya civilization developed in an area that encompasses southeastern Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador. This region consists of the northern lowlands encompassing the Yucatán Peninsula, and the highlands of the Sierra Madre, running from the Mexican state of Chiapas, across southern Guatemala and onwards into El Salvador, and the southern lowlands of the Pacific littoral plain."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "Maya civilization" (accessed 11/15/2015)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Newly Published Articles Claim Mexican Calendar Derives from Chinese Original" (Jason Colavito, 9/92016)
- "Did the Maya Build Cities According to the Stars? Plus: Doubling Down on "Book of Og"" (Jason Colavito, 5/10/2016)
- "The Strange Case of Melqart as Founder of Palenque" (Jason Colavito, 3/5/2016)
- "Did the Maya Depict the End of Atlantis at Tikal?" (Jason Colavito, 2/17/2014)
- "Were Maya Lords Alien Hybrids with Hallucinogenic Blood?" (Jason Colavito, 9/30/2013)
- "Did the Maya Ride Elephants?" (Jason Colavito, 12/15/2012)
- "Oldest Mayan Calendar Discovered: No Apocalypse in the Record" (Michael Heiser, 4/10/2012)
- "Review of Ancient Aliens S04E01: The Mayan Conspiracy" (Jason Colavito, 2/18/2012)
- "Ancient Mayan Temples Designed as Giant Loudspeakers?" (Michael Heiser, 12/19/2010)
Sites and Artifacts
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