"Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for 135 million years, from the start of the Jurassic (about 200 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (66 million years ago), when the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event led to the extinction of most dinosaur groups (and three-quarters of plant and animal species on Earth) ending the Mesozoic Era."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "Dinosaur" (accessed 10/28/2015)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Christadelphian YEC Don Pearce Uses Pseudoscience to Argue that Humans and Dinosaurs Coexisted" (Evolutionary Creationism, 7/16/2015)
- "Creationist Texts: Ancient People Drew Dinosaurs" (Jason Colavito, 1/18/2014)
- "Did Beowulf Battle Dinosaurs?" (Jason Colavito, 10/24/2012)
- "A Dinosaur in the Congo in 1776?" (Jason Colavito, 5/30/2012)
- "Ancient Aliens S04E10: Aliens and Dinosaurs" (Jason Colavito, 5/5/2012)
- "Pterodactyls in Renaissance Belgium?" (Jason Colavito, 3/1/2012)
- "Dragons, and Gods, and Dinos- Oh My!" (Gary S. Hurd, 11/4/2011)
- "Dinosaur Petroglyphs and a Lesson in Intellectual Dishonesty" (Michael Heiser, 3/11/2011)
- "Biblical Giants and Dinosaur Bones" (Michael Heiser, 7/9/2008)
- "Stegosaurus Pictograms" (Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, 8/19/2007)
- "A "Tyrannosaur" Pictogram" (Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, 5/11/2007)
- "Creationst Say the Darndest Things about Dinosaurs" (Gary S. Hurd, 4/26/2007)
- "Radiocarbon Dates for Dinosaur Bones?" (Brad Lepper, Creation/Evolution Journal 30, Summer 1992)
Other Sources
- "The Bible and Science: Dinosaur and Human Footprints" (Institute for Biblical & Scientific Studies)
- "Dinosaur & Human Trackways" (The Biblical Creation Society)
Related Sites and Artifacts
- Acámbaro Figurines (Mexico)
- Alvis Delk Footprint
- Ica Stones (Peru)
- Paluxy River Footprints (Texas, USA)
- Turkmenistan Footprints (Turkmenistan)