Antelope Springs Footprint (aka Meister Footprint aka Meister Man) (Utah)
"According to Dr. Melvin Cook (1970), a local rockhound named William J. Meister was hunting for trilobite fossils along a hillside near Antelope Springs, Utah in 1968 when he broke open a slab and discovered a curious oblong marking that he took for a human sandal print. This was quite surprising, since the rock at this locality is identified as the middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation--over 500 million years old."
- Text from "The "Meister Print": An Alleged Human Sandal Print from Utah" (Glen J. Kuban)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Debunking "Scientific Evidence for a Global Flood" Part 3 - There Are No Human Footprints in Geologically Ancient Strata" (Evolutionary Creationism, 12/31/2014)
- "The Antelope Springs "Footprint"" (Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, 8/17/2007)
- "The "Meister Print": An Alleged Human Sandal Print from Utah" (Glen J. Kuban, 1998)
- "Tripping Over a Trilobite: A Study of the Meister Tracks" (Ernest C. Conrad, Creation/Evolution Journal 2(4):30-33, Fall 1981)
Other Sources
- "Meister Man" (TalkOrigins "Anomalous Fossils" page)
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