America Unearthed
"America Unearthed is an American television series that was the first original series to air on the A&E Networks channel H2. The show premiered on December 21, 2012, and is produced by Committee Films of Chaska, Minnesota. The program is hosted by Minnesota-based forensic geologist Scott Wolter, who investigates mysteries and artifacts believed to reveal an alternative history of the North American continent before the United States."
- Text from the Wikipedia entry for "America Unearthed" (accessed 10/11/2015) [links added]
- Image source
- Reviews of every episode of America Unearthed can be found on Jason Colavito's website.
- Reviews of first eight episodes of Season 1 of America Unearthed can be found on the ArchyFantasies website.
- "Newark Holy Stone is Featured on America Unearthed" (Brad Lepper, 12/2/2013)
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Xplrr Media Rehashes "America Unearthed," Searches for Mithras in America" (Jason Colavito, 8/22/2016)
- "Finding Peter Hurech; Plus: Richard Cassaro on the Ancient Conspiracy Behind Baseball" (Jason Colavito, 6/8/2016)
- "J. Hutton Pulitzer: "Failed Blogger" Jason Colavito Wrong to Criticize Claims of Europeans in Medieval Arizona" (Jason Colavito, 6/7/2016)
- ""America Unearthed" Guest: Producers Misrepresented Me, Lied to Audience about Facts" (Jason Colavito, 6/1/2014)
- "White Supremacist: Zionists May Try to Stop "America Unearthed" from Reporting Truth about White History" (Jason Colavito, 5/17/2014)
- "Thoughts on America Unearthed, Ethnocentrism, and Religion" (Jason Colavito, 12/15/2013)
- "Racists Use "America Unearthed" As Evidence" (Jason Colavito, 12/6/2013)
- "Revisiting America Unearthed S01E02 "Medieval Desert Mystery": What's in a Name?" (Jason Colavito, 3/15/2013)
- "Following Up on America Unearthed's Budget" (Jason Colavito, 2/4/2013)
- "Am I Obsessed with America Unearthed? N0." (Jason Colavito, 2/3/2013)
- "Is America Unearthed a Documentary Series or a Reality Show?" (Jason Colavito, 2/11/2013)
- ""America Unearthed" Takes Government Money to Accuse Government of Cover-Ups" (Jason Colavito, 1/31/2013)
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Artifacts and Sites