Oldoway Man
"In the correspondence columns of the present issue (p. 721) Dr. L. S. B. Leakey replies to the criticisms of the conclusions at which he himself and his colleagues have arrived as to the antiquity of the remains of Homo sapiens from the Oldoway beds in East Africa. In effect, he agrees with Messrs. Forster Cooper and Watson that it is unlikely that the Oldoway skeleton would have been found in a state of complete articulation and in its contracted position had it been deposited by natural means in the situation in which it was found."
- Text from "Oldoway Man" (Nature 129:715, 1932)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Oldoway man: a Middle Pleistocene Homo sapiens?" (Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, 8/17/2007)
Other Sources:
- "Oldoway Man" (TalkOrigins "Anomalous Fossils" page)
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