"Zecharia Sitchin described Nibiru according to Sumerian cosmology as the 12th planet. Nibiru is home to an alien race called the Anunnaki an extreme advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Researchers have talked about the possibility of a giant planet that has an extreme strange orbit around our sun."
- Text from "20 Things You Should Know about Nibiru-Planet X" (Ancient Code)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Debunking the Anunnaki and Nibiru Mythologies on The Leak Project" (Michael Heiser, 4/22/2016)
- "The Frank Johnson Planet X Challenge" (Frank Johnson, 4/1/2016)
- "Prelude to Planet X" (Frank Johnson, 3/30/2016)
- "New Research on Nibiru Shows Sitchin is Still Wrong" (Michael Heiser, 10/26/2015)
- "Our Wacky Solar System: Planet X and the Theories That Love Him" (Frank Johnson, 1/21/2015)
- "Nibiru Nonsense Finally Gets Some Mainstream Attention" (Michael Heiser, 8/26/2011)
- "Update (Sort of) on “Nibiru” in Egyptian (!) Texts" (Michael Heiser, 4/2/2009)
- "New Nibiru Information . . . Or More PaleoBabble?" (Michael Heiser, 3/10/2009)
- "Nibiru and Zecharia Sitchin" (Michael Heiser, 11/5/2008)
Other Sources
- "Nibiru: Sitchin's Nibiru Hypothesis" (Michael Heiser, Sitchin Is Wrong.Com)
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