Narragansett Rune Stone

"The Narragansett Runestone, also known as the Quidnessett Rock, is a 2.5 tonne slab of metasandstone inscribed with two rows of symbols, which some have indicated resemble ancient Runic characters.
The stone was stolen in 2012. On April 26, 2013, the Rhode Island Attorney General announced that the rock was recovered after an individual came forward with information. The rock was moved to the University of Rhode Island School of Oceanography for testing but this proved to be impossible. . . .
In October 2015, the runestone was placed for long-term public viewing in Wickford, a village of North Kingstown."
The stone was stolen in 2012. On April 26, 2013, the Rhode Island Attorney General announced that the rock was recovered after an individual came forward with information. The rock was moved to the University of Rhode Island School of Oceanography for testing but this proved to be impossible. . . .
In October 2015, the runestone was placed for long-term public viewing in Wickford, a village of North Kingstown."
- Text from Wikipedia entry for "Narragansett Runestone" (accessed 11/15/2015)
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Scott Wolter Says Narragansett Rune Stone Hoax Claims Might Be Based on Religious Opposition to Him" (Jason Colavito, 7/12/2014)
- "New Narragansett Stone Hoax Claim and Greg Little's Attack on My Coverage of Giant Skeletons" (Jason Colavito, 6/29/2014)
- "Man Claims He Carved Rune Stone Markings in '64" (Chris Church, The Independent, 6/28/2014)
- "Scott Wolter Strikes Again: Weird Claims About Jesus, Templars, and Mystery Cults" (Jason Colavito, 7/8/2013)
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