Minoans in the New World

"InvestigatingHistory.org and ExpeditionHistory.org have recently revealed what are being called “smoking gun archaeological evidence” which proves the ancient race of peoples called the Minoans were the first to discover, capitalize upon and trade goods to and from the Americas. This blog article is actually 9000 words long, however you do not need to attempt to read all 9000 words since this article is narrated by the accompanying audio blog narration. ( You can READ this blog, LISTEN to this BLOG, or WATCH the video version – all posted below). EACH PHOTO will enlarger when clicked.."
- Text and image from "Minoans Discovered America!" (J. Hutton Pulitzer, 5/24/2015)
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Research Hint: Writing “Minoan” on Photographs of Native American Remains Does Not Actually Prove They Are Minoan"(Andy White, 6/3/2015)
- "Mysterious Minoan Miners and the Missing Michigan Minerals – America Unearthed S 1 Ep 3" (ArchyFantasies, 12/9/2014)
- "Review of America Unearthed S01E03: "Great Lakes Copper Heist"" (Jason Colavito, 1/5/2013)
Artifacts and Sites
- The Metcalf Stone (Georgia)
- The Newberry Tablet (Michigan)