The Manna Machine
" The Kabbalah, a body of Jewish traditional knowledge, was kept secret until the 13th Century AD, it s content was regarded from the magical-mystical point of view particularly so with respect to the Ancient of Days. This was considered to be a Jewish demi-god until in 1978 two English engineers, George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, concluded that the description of the Ancient of Days in theZohar, one of the books of the Kabbalah, was not of an ominous god-figure, but rather a machine. A close investigation of the text convinced them that the machine produced the biblical manna which fed the Israelites during their forty-year wandering in the desert and was probably of extraterrestrial origin."
- Text from "The Eternal Device" (Dr. Johannes Fiebag and Peter Fiebag, translated from the German by George T. Sassoon) [links added]
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Manna Machine Debunked" (Frank Johnson, 8/30/2013)
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