L. A. Marzulli

"L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer and film maker. . . . His new series On the Trail of the Nephilim is a full color, over-sized book which uncovers startling evidence that there has been a massive cover up of what he believes are the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible! He is now working on Volume II, in the series which promises to have even more incredible and revealing photographs and interviews! L. A. is On the Trail!"
- Text from "About L. A. Marzulli" [links added]
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "L. A. Marzulli Says Scott Wolter Inspired Him to Hunt for Nephilim and Europeans at America's Stonehenge" (Jason Colavito, 9/21/2016)
- "Marzulli Admits "Demon Fairy" Is a Fraud; Plus: David Wilcock Implies Hillary Clinton Is a Tool of the Nephilim" (Jason Colavito, 9/18/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Endorses Donald Trump for President, Asks If 9/11 Was a "Shadow Government" Inside Job" (Jason Colavito, 9/16/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Goes Full Lovecraft, Calls Watchers Interdimensional "Old Ones" Who Enter via "Gateways"" (Jason Colavito, 9/8/2016)
- "A Tall Tale: Steve Quayle, L. A. Marzulli and the "Giant of Kandahar"" (Jason Colavito, 8/18/2016)
- "Earth to Lynn Marzulli" (Mike Heiser, 8/7/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli and Richard Shaw Deliver Bizarre 30-Minute Attack on Mike Heiser's Six-Paragraph Blog Post" (Jason Colavito, 8/6/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Releases More Information on "Fairy" Corpse from Mexico" (Jason Colavito, 7/22/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Promotes "Watchers X" and the "European" DNA in Ancient America That "We Were Hoping For"" (Jason Colavito, 7/18/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli and Brien Foerster Discuss Megalithic Ruins, Decide Native People Couldn't Have Built Any of Them" (Jason Colavito, 6/24/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Claims Peruvian Cyclopean Architecture Was Built by "Pre-Flood" Giants" (Jason Colavito, 5/19/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Claims Super Bowl Halftime Show Is an Illuminati-Occult Conspiracy" (Jason Colavito, 2/9/2016)
- "L. A. Marzulli Launching Nephilim TV Series; Plus: The Masculine Aesthetics of Fringe History TV" (Jason Colavito, 10/21/2015)
- "The Agony and Ecstasy of Documentaries: Richard Thornton's Praise and L. A. Marzulli's Anger" (Jason Colavito, 9/26/2014)
- "L. A. Marzulli Claims Satan Is Planning a "Seed War" Between Genetically Pure and Impure Humans" (Jason Colavito, 8/25/2014)
- "$502 Reward for Photographs of Lost Giants: The Skeletons from Delavan, Wisconsin" (Andy White, 12/23/2014)
- "L. A. Marzulli Blasts "Ancient Aliens" for Promoting Satanism" (Jason Colavito, 10/30/2013)
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