Bible Giants

"The Bible describes many individuals as giants, and it also mentions several giant people groups. Interpreters have speculated about the size of these people with guesses ranging anywhere from 6 feet to more than 30 feet in height. Also, a great deal of misinformation about biblical giants has been proliferated on the Internet along with some fake pictures of supposed giants. So did these giants really exist? If so, how big were they?"
- Text from "Giants' in the Old Testament" (Tim Chaffey, Answers in Genesis) [links added]
- Image source
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Confused About Giants-Based Christianity? Ask an 11th Grader" (Andy White, 5/24/2015)
- "Giants and the Ages of Man" (Jason Colavito, 1/24/2015)
- "Evolution, "Devolution," and the Incredible Shrinking of Humanity: Why Creationists Love Giants" (Andy White, 1/23/2015)
- "On the Bed of King Og the Giant" (Jason Colavito, 10/28/2014)
- "William A. Hinson and Some Recycled "Giant" Claims" (Jason Colavito, 10/25/2014)
- "On the Strange Myth of Og, the Last Giant" (Jason Colavito, 10/19/2014)
- "Did Bruce Fenton Find the Homeland of Bible Giants in the Caucasus Mountains?" (Jason Colavito, 8/1/2014)
- "Bigfoot as Bible Giant at the Confluence of Conspiracies" (Jason Colavito, 4/3/2014)
- "Creationists Claim Erich von Daniken's Model "Giant" Skeleton as Proof of Bible" (Jason Colavito, 9/5/2013)
- "Giant Animals in Past and Giant Human Being Over Ten Feet Tall" (Edward T. Babinski, 3/2012)
- "Nephalim - Giants in Old Testament Genesis" (3/2012)
- "Biblical Giants and Dinosaur Bones" (Michael Heiser, 7/9/2008)
- "Men Over Ten Feet Tall?" (E. T. Babinski, TalkOrigins Archive)
- "It Ain't Necessarily So: Giants and Biblical Literalism" (J. R. Cole, Creation/Evolution Journal 5(1):48-52, Winter 1985)
- "Introduction" (J.R. Cole, L.R. Godfrey, R.J. Hastings, and S.D. Schafersman, Creation/Evolution Journal 5(1)"1-4, Winter 1985)