"Afrocentrism (also Afrocentricity) is a cultural ideology, worldview mostly limited to the United States and is dedicated to the history of Black people. It is a response to global (Eurocentric/Orientalist) attitudes about African people and their historical contributions and revisits their history with an African cultural and ideological focus. Afrocentricity deals primarily with self-determination and African agency and is a Pan-African ideology in culture, philosophy, and history."
- Text from the Wikipedia entry for "Afrocentrism" (accessed 10/21/2015)
Blog Posts and Articles
- "Did Ancient Egyptians Identify Themselves as a Black Race?" (Michael Heiser, 6/3/2015)
- "Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation" (Michael Heiser, 5/28/2015)
- "Reviewing "Black Genesis" (Final Part)" (Jason Colavito, 9/1/2013)
- "Reviewing "Black Genesis" (Pt. 2)" (Jason Colavito, 8/30/2013)
- "Reviewing "Black Genesis" (Pt. 1)" (Jason Colavito, 8/29/2013)
- "Did West Africans Discover America in the Late Middle Ages?" (Jason Colavito, 6/24/2013)
- "Afrocentrism and the Aztec Calendar" (Jason Colavito, 6/4/2012)
- "Great Moments in Afrocentric Scholarship: Sons of the Sun" (Jason Colavito, 3/31/2012)
- "Afrocentrism, Ancient Astronauts, and Black Sea Africans" (Jason Colavito, 3/30/2012)
- "Ancient Egyptians and Race" (Michael Heiser, 6/30/2011)
Other Online Media
- "Afrocentrism and the New World" (ArchyFantasies podcast, Episode 16, 7/20/2015)
- They Came Before Columbus (book)